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Simple renal cysts: It's symptoms, causes & Ayurvedic prevention

Simple renal cysts: It's symptoms, causes & Ayurvedic prevention

The prevalence of kidney diseases in India is around 17.2 %. The commonly found health problems like diabetes, hypotension, and high blood pressure are reported to cause kidney problems. After CKD, Simple renal cysts is the second commonly reported kidney problem that has become commonplace in India. Are you battling this problem and in pursuit of finding a solution? If yes, then you've landed in the right direction! We have covered some significant sections of this problem that hold some basic facts and information that are of grave importance. Keep on reading to know what is simple renal cysts, their symptoms & how you can prevent this problem through ayurvedic treatment for shrink renal cyst.

What is a shrink renal cyst?

Simple renal cysts are small round fluid sacs with thin walls that can be as big as small as a pea to as large as a grapefruit. Simple renal cysts are not deadly, and most of the time, do not need to be treated. However, if the cyst has grown larger in size and inducing too much pressure on the neighboring organs or if it's hindering your kidney's functioning, it might be imperative to remove or shrink the cyst.

Two commonly used methods are used to treat simple kidney cysts that are-

Aspiration and sclerotherapy

It's a surgical method in which a doctor inserts a long needle under your skin to puncture the fluid sac and drain the fluid. After that, a strong solution is injected into the cyst to shrink it, and this procedure can be repeated if necessary.


A thin instrument is inserted through the tiny holes in the abdomen. During the surgery, the doctor first punctures the cyst and then cuts the cysts from the roots.

What are the symptoms of simple renal cysts?

A simple renal cyst is a minor health condition that initially doesn't show any apparent signs or symptoms. However, if it grows larger, then you may experience some symptoms, which may include:

• Fever
• Upper abdominal pain
• Pain your side or back

If you experience more than one of the following symptoms, then it's recommended to talk to your doctor to prevent the threat in time.

What causes kidney renal cysts?

According to doctors, there's no specific answer to this question that exactly causes kidney cysts. However, doctors do have a few explanations of this problem. For example, your fist-sized kidneys have about millions of small blood vessels that purify the blood from waste products, chemical toxins, and other contaminants that are needed to be flush out from the body. Cysts may occur when these tiny tubules swell up, block, and fill with water. People who are or above 40 years old are likely to have kidney cysts problems. It's been found that men are at higher risk of getting afflicted than women.

What are the complications of having simple renal cysts?

Simple renal cysts usually don't cause any harm. However, it can grow larger if overlooked, can lead to some severe complications that may include:

• Burst cyst
• Infection in the cyst
• High blood pressure
• Urine obstruction

How can Ayurveda prevent this problem?

Ayurvedic medicines work with internal purification that detects and cures the problem's primary drivers rather than just curing the symptoms. Ayurvedic treatment for shrink renal cyst also places special emphasis on a diet that fuels the effect of natural herbs inside the body and fosters healthy recovery. According to Ayurveda, your diet plays a key role that determines your mental and physical health. How soon you will recover or how long will you stay healthy depends on what you're chewing up in your everyday meal. Being the best healing systems, ayurvedic medicines are undeniably good and effective stress-buster that relax your nerves and enhance your brain's oxygen supply.

Disclaimer: Simple renal cysts is a progressive condition that needs to be controlled in time. We recommend opting for Ayurveda for the genuine revival of the capabilities. If you are already pursuing a treatment, we strictly advise you not to make any changes in your schedule or diet without consulting your doctor or dietitian. For appointments, call at our 24x7 helpline: +91-9871712050.

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